Admission to grades 8 and 9 are closed for the session 2025 - 2026.| Registrations for Admission To Grade 11 for the next academic year (2025 - 2026) is open Click Here | Registrations for NURSERY to GRADE IX for the next academic year (2025 - 2026) are open Click Here | Circular On Entrance Exam Portions for Grades 6, 7, 8, 9 Click Here

Kindergarten – Grade 2

Kindergarten – Grade 2

The Kindergarten comprises of Nursery, L.K.G and U.K.G. and admits children aged 3 years and above for Nursery as per the directive of the State government as of the 1st of June in the year the child is seeking admission. For grades, LKG and UKG the age criteria is 4 years and 5 years and above respectively. We believe that Kindergarten is the stage where the foundation for a child’s future is laid and hence take the utmost care to make this foundation strong and sturdy. School timings for the Kindergarten is from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. 

Kindergarten is the perfect platform to tickle the brains of our tiny tots and proffer them with visible learning outcomes by relating the content to life. Storytelling, Puppetry, Hands-on activities, emphasis on a sound mind and a sound body through physical exercises, creative corners to get our tiny fledglings to ponder and question are unique focal points of the curriculum. The perfect ambience for learning is created where each of the well-spaced and airy classrooms is equipped with Smartboards, multimedia content and audio-visual teaching aids to achieve desired learning outcomes. A system of “Continual Informal Evaluation” will be followed which evaluates students based on classwork, theme-based worksheets, and observation sessions. An assessment report highlighting the various aspects of the child’s development will be submitted to the parents biannually. 

The Primary wing at the Junior School comprises classes Grade 1 and 2.  The minimum age for entry into Class 1 is 6 years as of 1st June in the year the child is seeking admission. Admission to the following classes increases by a year accordingly. The classes are power packed with activities that are designed to enhance knowledge and cultivate skills and values in our young dipsites. The Primary years are of extreme importance and a multitude of opportunities are provided for students to innovate, create and communicate. School timings for grades 1 and 2 are from 8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. 

Classes for Kindergarten, grades 1 and 2 are held in the Junior School Campus at Harinagar.


Delhi Public School
Bangalore South – Junior School
Sy No 186/1. Harinagar,
Kothanur Main Road,
Kothanur, Bangalore – 560062
  +91 9353566437
  +91 9353575421