Admission to grades 8 and 9 are closed for the session 2025 - 2026.| Registrations for Admission To Grade 11 for the next academic year (2025 - 2026) is open Click Here | Registrations for NURSERY to GRADE IX for the next academic year (2025 - 2026) are open Click Here | Circular On Entrance Exam Portions for Grades 6, 7, 8, 9 Click Here


Cricketer – Sharath Srinivas


DPS Bangalore South in collaboration with BIBOX labs is all set for the first ever HACKATHON to promote innovative thinking and working towards a sustainable future. Students of grades 8 and 9 and the TINKERING CLUB have worked on multiple projects that proffer out – of – the – box solutions to concerns plaguing our society.