DPS South facilitated path-breaking learning experiences for students from classes 7 to 12 – from understanding of space and its importance at the Kennedy Space Center, coding and decoding information to create Mars Rovers, comprehending Natural History at Smithsonian Museum on Mammals, Environment and evolution of mankind etc, connecting theory from Physics of push-lift–drag-thrust to hands-on-experience at Aero Space Museum, breaking away from rote learning on world politics by getting a better understanding how the senate and congress work in the US. Participating in MUN will make more sense now to students after visiting the United Nations and understanding the important role of the various bodies like General Assemble and the Security Council in maintaining world peace. By meeting Astronauts and learning from experts representing different fields, students discovered many ways of learning. Discipline, time management and independent thinking were additional skills that children imbibed during these days of travel.
Apart from this, children learnt about different kinds of chocolates and the right way to eat them. This enabled them to become certified chocolate palatiers. Living the thrill of Hogwarts and coming face to face with super heroes was dream come true for children. Afterall, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
We can say that students experienced Global education. Global Education is an active learning process based on the universal values of tolerance, solidarity, equality, justice, inclusion, co-operation and non-violence.
It creates deeper understanding of the complexity of the underlying causes. It aims to change people‘s attitudes reflecting on their own roles in the world. Global education motivates and empowers people to become active, responsible global citizens.